How to become a better woman

                                                          Working on Personal Growth

“Many of us have been taught at some point that we are unlovable, so we must not only choose to love ourselves but learn how to do so. Make the commitment to learn. Take the time to discover what self-love looks like, feels like, sounds like. Create a space of gentleness around yourself that chooses love each day, and the days when it feels impossible to do so, be patient.”-Natalie Krim, Artist (on my top tip for loving yourself is…Published in Elle Magazine)

The previous quote summarizes beautifully (although partially) what I will try to convey in the following peace. I firmly believe in personal growth, or rather, character evolution. This life is a journey that changes continuously, so you should change with it. This post will explore the topic of improving ourselves. Do you want to be the best version of yourself? Keep reading to find out.

I will provide the information and guidance to start this journey of growth-if you have not started it yet, or don’t know how to do it-. This article will include different ways, steps, or tips to become an excellent, amazing woman. Like all changes, it takes reflection, hard work, and commitment, but the rewards of the outcome, are without a doubt worth the effort.

I know that most of us, women, feel this way sometimes: I am the woman who is not perfect, I have flaws, I make mistakes, and I get disappointed. I am not the ideal partner, mother, friend. However, as we grow and experience situations, we realize that we will live and that we will learn from whatever terrible situation we’d put ourselves in at that time, being better women as a result.

Being a woman comes with a lot of societal pressures. One unconventional move and everyone will judge. As a result, you will think you are not good enough; therefore, you are willing to change for them. However, if there’s anything about yourself that you want to improve or change, you only must do it for yourself.

If you think you can still become better, work on becoming a better version of yourself. Think of doing this not to meet society’s standards but to meet your own definition of a better woman.

Regardless of how old we are, we all could define who we want to be and go after it. I hope the content of this post will serve you as inspiration for your own personal growth to becoming the woman you are meant to be.

The truth is that all those amazing women who have been recognized for their wonderful achievements-I am sure you can think of one or two- and their inspiring life stories, are just ordinary women. They just have done extraordinary things by being the best women they could be.

The foundation to being a better woman is to love yourself. Focusing on self-love and self-care will pave the way to become a better you. I have written several posts that explore this practice in-depth (you can read those posts on this blog for more detailed information).

Only when you have learned to love yourself for who you really are, even with all your flaws -that society will never forget to remind you. – Only then can you begin to embrace your imperfections and walk with pride.

Know that loving oneself is not the same as being selfish; it’s pouring yourself with enough love so that you can share it with other people: your friends, your family, or a special someone.

Women who love themselves know how to take care of others because they know how to give and share love selflessly, without expecting anything in return. That selflessness makes them better women.

Steps to Achieving Self-Love

  • Don’t compare yourself to others, and don’t worry about others’ opinions.
  • Allow yourself to make mistakes.
  • Process your fears.
  • Put yourself first.
  • Let your voice be heard.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • See the beauty in simple things.

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Below find some additional tips to build lasting self-esteem from psychologist’s perspective, Guy Winch.

  • Use positive affirmations correctly (try to aim for realistic affirmations).
  • Identify your competencies and develop them.  Figure out your core competencies and find opportunities and careers that accentuate them.
  • Learn to accept compliments.
  • Eliminate self-criticism and introduce self-compassion. Treat yourself as you would treat a dear friend.
  • Affirm your actual worth.

Our world is made up of so many incredible women. So many remarkable changes in our world are being made by women who recognize their importance. Women are impacting lives in unexpected ways. Being an amazing woman is not about how beautiful, famous, or wealthy we are. It is about character, being good examples for others, and taking good care of ourselves at the same time. We all have this strength with us.

“I can promise you that women working together-linked, informed and educated-can bring peace and prosperity to this forsaken planet.”-Isabel Allende

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”-Audre Lorde

These two quotes from “fearless, strong” women reaffirm the strength we all possess.

14 Tips to Become the Best Version of Yourself (besides loving yourself)

  1. Embrace your own imperfections.

The road to becoming a better woman starts with acceptance, that is, accepting yourself for who you are. Know that you are your own woman; you are unique. There is no one like you in the world. You are brilliant and beautiful. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

2. Be confident.

Confidence is a massive part of being mentally strong. Being confident is an excellent sign of self-love, and it helps us to stay away from comparing. Don’t lose sight of your goals. Know that you have so much potential in you. You can do anything if you put your heart into it. So stay confident.

3. Know your worth.

If you want to become a better woman, you must know your worth. IF you know your worth, you have an idea of how other people should treat you. Knowing your value, you will also recognize the signs when others are taking advantage of you.

4. Keep learning.

Evolve as a person. Remember that there are always opportunities for you to learn new things. Take the chance to improve yourself and get out of your comfort zone. Embrace the unknown and take risks instead of playing it safe.

5. Empower other women, build the sisterhood.

Try to support other women both professionally and personally. Be that woman, be nice to each other. Some women can be terrible to one another. Women behave that way because they are insecure about their own imperfections.

Motivate each other. Listen to their stories. Talk about your goals in life. Create a support group.

Be a good and inspiring example for other women in the world. Show them what it means to freely express yourself and not be afraid of the challenges ahead.

6. Value your relationships.

Value your relationships with the people who care and love the real you. Appreciate the people who are around you and be grateful for their presence in your life.

7. Have a vision, decide what you want for yourself.

To be the best you can be, you need to realize what that best version of yourself looks like. What are your short-term and long-term goals? It must be your vision and not anybody else’s. Focus on what makes you happy and take the necessary steps to achieve it.

8. Grow from your mistakes; accept your mistakes and learn from them.

If you don’t embrace failure or give up easily, you will never be the best version of yourself. Mistakes are human, they happen, but it’s how you react to those mistakes that truly matter. Learn to be accountable for your own mistakes. Apologize and move forward by taking all the lessons with you.

9. Stay independent.

These days, women have decided to break out of the patriarchal norms. Women are rising, taking a stand, and claiming their relevance in different aspects of society. Know that you can become independent. You can get a partner, be happily committed to him, and do all the things you want to do, all at the same time. You are strong on your own, and your happiness does not only depend on your partner. To be a better woman, don’t let stereotypes limit your potential, break free.

10. Don’t let anyone put you down.

The opinions of other people are not as valuable as your own thoughts about yourself. Ignore those opinions and carry on with your dreams, and always believe in yourself.

11. Have courage and let your voice be heard.

Never be afraid to speak up. Women might have been trained to please people and always say yes, but they have fought long and hard to be where they are right now—your opinion matters. Be more assertive, learn to say no. Learn to demand what you truly deserve.

12. Be proud of what you have achieved.

Before anything else, you must learn to be proud of yourself. Be proud of your growth, no matter how minimal you might think it is. Raise your head high and walk tall. No matter where you are in life and what you have achieved, be proud of these accomplishments. Don’t compare your life story with other people. Focus on your own journey not only to become a better woman but to be a better person.

13. Be true to yourself.

You live in a free world where you can be who you want to be. Show your uniqueness in your expressions: your fashion choices, your sense of style, food preferences, the type of music you listen to, and anything that will highlight your individuality.

Do not apologize for being who you are. Take pride in the word different.

14. Take care of yourself.

I can’t emphasize this practice enough, take good care of yourself. It means making YOU a priority. More than anyone, you need to put yourself first. Put your health, your peace of mind, and your stability first. Buy a new outfit, get a massage, go to the spa, cook yourself a homemade meal. Whichever suits your fancy. Whenever you feel overwhelmed with your challenges and responsibilities, take a breath, recharge, and return energized for another phase.

I know that it looks like a lot of information and a lot of work. However, be aware that many of these things you are already doing. Nothing happens or changes overnight. The list above is just a guide to place you in the right direction to become a better you. You should adjust it to your own lifestyle and circumstances. My goal is that you get inspired by the information provided.

The Takeaway

In summary, be the woman who approaches things with an optimistic mind, who is kind, open-hearted, and loving. Be the woman who is confident in her strengths without overplaying them. Yet, aware of her weaknesses, without letting them get to her or holding her back from pursuing her dreams. Be the woman who is comfortable in her own skin, following her instincts. The woman who flows through life with integrity, compassion, and honesty without anger and bitterness.

Be confident, productive, optimistic, and positive. But be also caring and proud, and don’t be afraid to face your fears.

Sometimes is too hard to seek self-improvement when everyone seems to rule your life. However, they can’t if you will not let them. Becoming a better woman starts with yourself.

You don’t have to be extraordinary to make a tremendous difference as a woman. The most influential female icons in the world started as simple and ordinary women.

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