The gift of youthful energy

“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation, and intelligence.”-Deepak Chopra

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Myself last year at age 52


A couple of years ago, one of my students at the college where I teach left a card in my mailbox with the most beautiful note. It was a short note but with such a powerful message. She mentioned how much she liked my youthful energy and my zest for life, among other wonderful remarks. It really touched my soul and made me cry. A note like that makes my teaching job worthwhile.

That card inspired the following piece. This post will approach the topic of youthful energy, how it is defined, what it is, and how we can maintain it. I will also include tips to regain it in case you have lost it.

I firmly believe in energies; energy is all we are. It is essential to understand this concept if we, middle-aged women, want to feel better, healthier, and overall, younger. Read on!

If you have read any of my blog posts, you know I am all about improving our life’s quality as aging women. Feeling healthy, young, and vibrant will undoubtedly contribute to your well-being. Channeling your energy correctly is one of the main steps for a more satisfying life.

What is energy?

According to the dictionary, energy is determination and enthusiasm for doing things.

If we go deeper into the concept of energy, we find the notion of Jing Energy, and this is the route I want to take to understand better what youthful energy entails. Jing is a powerful substance that forms the essence of who and what we are. It is the primal energy of our life. Jing energy is the deep foundational energy reserves of the body. It is this energy that determines one’s ultimate vitality and the quality of one’s lifespan.

And it goes on; in heaven, Jing is the milky way. It’s the light of the sun, moon, and stars. It is the rain and dew, sleet and hail, snow, and frost. It is water, streams, rivers, oceans, springs, wells, ponds, and marshes on earth. In people, it is Jing. Jing energy is precious and has long been recognized as a “treasure” that needs to be nourished, protected, and preserved. The root of essence and life. The body of blood and flesh.

I wanted to include the definition of Jing energy because it is a broader (and perhaps more subjective) explanation of the concept of energy and life. I think it’s a beautiful, almost poetic way of describing the human spirit. As a reader, you can interpret this definition as you wish.

What is youthful energy?

The adjective youthful describes someone who is young or who acts as though they are. This word is handy for talking about the general characteristics of young people, like youthful energy, youthful stubbornness, or youthful enthusiasm.

From the definition of the adjective youthful stated above, it is implied that you don’t need to be young to be youthful, and that is precisely my point in this article.

My favorite definition of youthful energy comes from the article by blogger Laurie Jonas, 10 changes for more youthful energy. Says Jonas,“Youthful energy is defined as having the appearance, spirit, or energy of youth. It is belonging to, relating to, or characteristic of youthful optimism. Energy flows in and out of us constantly-it is ageless. We all have the energy we need and want; we need to tap into it. Another word for youthful energy is enthusiasm (from the Greek “filled with God”).

Enthusiasm is an ongoing energy supply tapped into the flow of life itself. It is grounded in play, not work.”

I chose this quote to define youthful energy because it embodies how I approach the notion of energy. The two keywords here are enthusiasm and agelessness. Enthusiasm doesn’t just happen; you need passion to generate it. If you need to regain that energy you had in your youth, making changes takes work and discipline. Being proactive is the only way to get results. Furthermore, change doesn’t come overnight; it is a process, like almost everything.

How to regain youthful energy

In other words, it takes energy to make energy. The goal is to regain youthfulness and slow down the process of aging.

It’s a simple equation. If you spend most of your days with very little physical activity, your body will adjust to that inactive lifestyle. As a result, your energy level will deteriorate.

Conversely, suppose you use a lot of energy by being active. In that case, your body will adjust by making the energy you need for all your tasks. As a result, you will have more energy, just like you did when you were much younger.

Way too many women (and men) 50 and older accept a loss of more youthful energy as part of the aging process. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Numerous studies show that people (women and men) can build muscle tissue and strengthen their fitness at any given age.

So physical exercise is the starting point, the number one change to regain the energy we had when we were younger. Unfortunately, there is no magic potion, and you need to start moving if you are not doing so already.

Some facts

Before I get into the life changes and final tips to maintain or regain youthful energy, let’s look at some important facts.

A big reason for the loss of energy is your hormones. Hormone production slows down as we age which causes your metabolism to slow down as well. If you add the tendency to get stuck in unhealthy routines, reinforced with years of stress, and you have the formula to leave you drained and unmotivated.

Another contributing fact is that as we age, we lose mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells. As a result, your body also creates less adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a molecule that’s like the energy delivery man. It drops packages of energy that keep your cells going. When these deliveries stop coming as frequently, your cells get depleted.

On top of that, other factors play a role as you get older, like depression, chronic diseases, inflammation, and certain medications.

6 Life changes to reignite your youthful energy

Simply by introducing some positive and healthy habits into your daily routine, you can start having more energy and start feeling younger in no time. But, of course, lifestyle plays a significant role in how much energy you have.

  1. Be more active.

Energy generates energy. Physical activity strengthens muscles, making them more efficient. It also causes your brain to release chemicals that make you feel more energetic.

  • Stop stressing.

When you are stressed, your adrenal glands pump out the hormone cortisol; cortisol also causes inflammation. So, try to adopt daily de-stressing practices like meditation or yoga.

  • Eat healthily.

This is a no-brainer; what you eat directly affects how much energy you have. Try to maintain a balanced and healthy diet that includes primarily fresh, whole foods.

  • Get plenty of sleep.

Besides making you feel tired, not getting enough sleep can trigger a myriad of health problems. Stick to a set sleeping schedule, cut back on blue light from electronics, reduce or eliminate caffeine, and, if needed, supplement with melatonin.

  • Drink more water.

Dehydration is a serious energy zapper. Get at least eight cups of water per day (tea will work as well), and cut back on caffeinated, sugary, or alcoholic beverages.

  • Stay socially connected.

Finally, keeping up with your social life will give you more energy in the long run. Isolation puts you at risk of depression, a major factor of fatigue. Spending time with family and friends causes your brain to release feel-good chemicals that increase energy levels.

All these steps can help you kick up your energy levels and produce wellness benefits for your entire body.

Additional tips for youthful energy

We, women, are working, taking care of others, and hardly have the time to decompress and re-energize. We struggle to produce natural energy and rely on caffeine, energy drinks and sugar, to get us through the day. As children, we didn’t need to search outside of ourselves for energy and happiness.

We can not turn back time, but there are ways to feel more energized and excited about life in a youthful kind of way.

  • Avoid sleeping in.

It is crucial to have a consistent sleep routine so you can sleep deeply and soundly and feel more rested the following day. Therefore, go to bed earlier and get up earlier.

  • Laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter has many known benefits, such as relieving physical tension and stress and boosting the immune system.

  • Play.

Think of something you can incorporate into your routine involving family or friends. Perhaps board games, coloring, or dancing while cleaning the house; your energy will increase.

  • Get creative.

When we do something creative, we are focused on the present moment, using our imagination. So paint, draw, cook or write, or whatever suits you.

  • Get outside.

Nature relaxes the mind, plus you get the much-needed vitamin D from the sun. Also, the more time we spend outdoors, the less time we spend on technology; technology sucks your time and energy.

  • Enjoy life.

Let go and trust. Be accepting and trusting. Make the right choices and find ways to be fulfilled. Be mindful and live and enjoy the present. Fill up your life with peace, love, and compassion. 

And to feel young and beautiful click the following links:

The bottom line

There is no secret to feeling young again. Simply maintaining both, a physically and socially active lifestyle can significantly improve your overall quality of life during your 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond.

This aspect is one of the most important ways in which you can reverse the aging process.

Youthful energy has nothing to do with an age number. You can be in your 80s and be youthful. With a few minor changes and the right state of mind, you can preserve or reignite that incredible energy you had as a child or young woman.

I took that remark about my youthful energy from my former student not only as a compliment but as a gift I possess.

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