What do men in their 50s want?

Dating at 50 and beyond

When I was researching for one of my previous blog posts-Dating in your 50s– I came across a couple of interesting articles about what the men living in the same decade wanted. I thought it would be a good follow-up topic. As we, women, go through many changes, readjustments, and turmoil during our fifth decade, I believe it would be helpful to know what men experience at this same age.

You might know your preferences in the man you want to date, but have you ever given any thought to what men are looking for in the women they want as their companion?

Becoming informed about what the opposite sex wants, looks for, and it’s attracted to will make the dating process a bit smoother. And for the women in a committed relationship is never a bad idea to get acquainted with the information they perhaps are not aware of since we all evolve (and change) over time.

The primary purpose of this article is to point out the things men over 50 would desire in a woman and the things that they don’t care for. I will also include specific issues many men at this point in their lives go through (manopause anyone?). In my research, I discovered some fascinating information that never would have occurred to me that I would like to share with my readers.

Men and women tend to differ in the way they approach aging. One of the main differences is the psychological consequences for women of no longer having children to care for. However, for both sexes, the 50s are, without a doubt, a time of liberation in their lives. A time during which they can view their lives more broadly.

This is also true when it comes to dating after 50. Both sexes want many of the same things. Many single men in their 50s, whether they are divorced or not, are looking for the same things as you. This means they want to find a monogamous, exclusive significant other, along with all the benefits that entail.

Before I start listing the preferences that men in their 50s have for women regarding dating, I would like to mention a particular change that some men (not all) at this stage in their lives go through. I believe this issue is worth noting, mainly because many of us don’t know about it, and many men avoid acknowledging it.

According to health experts in the field, some men experience a certain type of menopause, better known as andropause. Symptoms include low energy, depression or sadness, decreased motivation, lowered self-confidence, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, increased body fat, reduced muscle mass, physical weakness, erectile dysfunction, etc.

Andropause refers to the age-related changes in male hormone levels. The same group of symptoms is also known as testosterone deficiency. As we know, testosterone is a hormone produced in the testes that fuel the sex drive, changes during puberty, and mental and physical energy. It maintains muscle mass and regulates a man’s vital evolutionary features.

Just like female menopause, symptoms and consequences vary widely from one individual to another.

Androgen Deficiency of the Ageing Male usually happens naturally to most men in their 50s as the level of testosterone production drops. Psychological problems could also trigger andropause. As testosterone helps regulate your mood when this level drops, men feel depressed, feel sad, and cater to issues like emptiness, anxiety, irritability, or anger.

In short, women and men are not that different physiologically when it comes to midlife. I thought that adding this information would help men and women understand each other better when it comes to specific physical and emotional changes that come with aging. Although we are very different in so many ways, there is some common ground.

What do men in their 50s want in a woman?

Many things change when you are dating over 50, but the changes are not always what you expect. Men and women over 50 are still dating at parties, bars, and online or getting set up by family and friends. What changes are the people. The men you meet have had more experiences with relationships, good and bad, and what they are looking for is different from what most men in their 30s or 40s want.

We should consider that personal life experience, values, or just plain character significantly impact any individual man’s relationship goals. The following list might not apply to everyone; however, it will give you a good idea of what most men are after.

  • Love

Yes, it may sound cliché, but a loving relationship is the number one priority for most men over the age of 50. Love is different after 50, particularly for people who have been married or for those who have children. The older the man gets, the more he wants a loving partner. These men want a partner who will love them openly and genuinely.

  • Honesty

If you can be honest with your partner and have open communication with him from the beginning, it can make things a lot easier for both of you. This should be regarding what you want in your relationship and who you are. Most men over the age of 50 agree that honesty is one of the most important aspects of a long-term relationship (heck! even of a short fling).

  • Fun

It basically means a woman who isn’t afraid to live life and venture outside the comfort of her home. Active fun is also in order. Self-care is something that becomes even more important over the age of 50. If you are looking to start a new relationship with an older man, running, walking, hiking, swimming, and even group sports are ways to enjoy active fun together.

  • Laughter

Fun and laughter go together. As we age, our looks many are not what they once were. Our priorities also change. That’s why laughter is on the top of most people’s must-have list when looking for a partner. Sense of humor is a highly desired quality.

  • Intelligence

Believe it or not, men find knowledge to be one of the five factors that attract them to women. They want someone they can have deep conversations with. Sharing hobbies, interests, and other pastimes is one of the best ways to ensure a strong and healthy relationship. For older men, a healthy partnership includes good conversation.

  • A woman who will make them happy

In the end, men over 50 want a woman who will boost their mood, even on their worst days. Of course, this works both ways; they must make you happy, too. Most of these men want a woman who pushes them to be their best.

Besides the six things listed above, I would like to add that many men find confidence (this includes women who can honestly admit their age) and positivity, two very desirable characteristics. A well-dressed, well-groomed, confident woman will always go far. Dress to impress, be confident in your own skin, be proud of your age, and show off your knowledge, ladies!


Understanding men is crucial to attracting the type of dates that ultimately lead to a good relationship with a man. Men over 50 are different from the men that you dated when you were younger. They are older, but they have matured through a process that created who they are today.

As we age, romantic partners can become hard to find. For men over the age of 50, unique challenges can make starting a new relationship seem complicated. However, finding that special someone does not have to be complicated.

As you dive into the current dating world, consider the information provided above as a guideline to make things easier.

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