Understanding the process of aging and what to do to slow it down

I would say I wasn’t aware of the process of aging per se until I was in my mid 40’s. Before that age, it didn’t occur to me to worry about getting older because I didn’t see any signs. Fast forward to the time I turned 50, and the fact that I am getting “old” is all over the place because it is evident. From the time I get up and take a good look in the mirror to the time I am about to go to bed and do my night skincare routine: all the new wrinkles, the lack of skin elasticity in your body, the hair, the nails, the flexibility, to name a few.  I wouldn’t say I like aging, and I am very self-conscious about it most of the time, so I am a woman on a mission, that is, try to slow down the consequences of aging. 

“Cheating” Aging


You might wonder, how the heck do I do that? After all, it’s a natural process, part of the life cycle, and I can assure you there are ways, many ways to achieve this; I call it “cheating aging.” Before we start this mission, the most important thing is to accept that we are aging and can’t stop this process; nobody can. Once we assimilate this, we can look for strategies to “soften” the speed of getting old. Everything starts in your brain, everything; I am a firm believer in the power of the mind. If we want something badly, chances are, we can achieve it. I am not making this up; I have done it. How many times have you thought that I should join a gym, lose some weight, change my diet, get a new wardrobe, change my hairstyle, and invest in my skincare? Thinking it to act about it takes only one step or one jump, or a considerable effort depending on one’s circumstances.

So, let’s put our minds to action and start prioritizing. To get anything going in terms of cheating or slowing the aging process, we need to learn how to love ourselves (if you haven’t done it yet) sounds straightforward, but it is not. It took me years to get to that aha moment and start doing something about it, but my whole perspective on life changed once I started. I will be posting in the future plenty of entries about this topic. If you have not done it yet, I recommend working on your self-loving before making your action plan to fight to age.

Steps to slow down the aging process


There are only a few simple steps to reverse the process of getting old. These are not necessarily in that order: healthy diet, regular exercise, me time, skincare regime, quality daily sleep, stress management, and positive thinking. I will subsequently be posting separate posts about all these elements. There is no magic formula; it takes effort and consistency, but once you get everything in order, it becomes a way of life, and it will stick with you. Once you get to your weight goal, your perfect sleep schedule, the skin products that work best for you, or whatever it is you need to change or achieve, everything will fall into place, I promise. Again, it will not be a walk in the park but only the process of doing it, of improving yourself day after day; it’s more than worth it because you know what? You are worth it. Life is a journey of joy and obstacles, and it is our job, so surpass the challenges and focus on the pleasure. Once again, it’s all about balance and harmony.

I want to suggest you take a pen and paper and make a list of all the things you don’t like about yourself or your life. This article is not like a self-help book recommendation; keep it short and straightforward. After that, you can start making changes in the order you think will work best for you. For example, if you are unhappy with your body image, weight, or the way clothes fit you, you should start making changes in your diet. In terms of dieting, I strongly recommend adhering to a healthy eating way as a way of life. That way, once you get to your goal weight, you don’t have to diet ever again in your life. It is all about having a healthy relationship with food. If you think your problem could be emotional eating, you need to address that first. We all cope with life challenges in different ways. It’s a matter of identifying what you are not doing right that you are not doing in your favor.


With this last paragraph, I am just giving you an idea of starting this “journey of change” it was just an example. Deep down, even without thinking about it, we all know what is going wrong in our lives. The difference lies between the women who do something about it and the ones that don’t. It’s time to take action, ladies!


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